Associational Support

To help strengthen our schools and enhance student success, the APCU solicits funds from individual donors, family foundations, and national endowments. These funds support the initiatives identified below which complement and extend other APCU programs and services. To support one or more of these initiatives—particularly the Fund for Presbyterian Higher Education, just click the ‘Give Now’ image.

Current Initiatives

  • The Fund for Presbyterian Higher Education: Our members currently commit more than $1.2 billion in institutional dollars each year to support they students they enroll. This funding helps to reduce the average cost of attending an APCU school to less than $22,000 per-year. However, $22,000 is still a lot of money for the majority of families we serve. The Fund for Presbyterian Higher Education will help to further reduce this cost while creating scholarship and grant options that target Presbyterian high school youth—particularly underrepresented minorities and those who will be the first in their families to attend college.
  • The Presbyterian Leadership Development Institute: To help the APCU strengthen and better serve its member schools, their students, and the Presbyterian Church (USA), the APCU sponsors a Presbyterian Leadership Institute. The Institute is the only leadership program in the country specifically designed to prepare top administrators, faculty, and staff, to become servant leaders at our educational institutions in the spirit and light of the Reformed tradition. The APCU relies on grant funds to maintain the Institute and welcomes the support of congregations, foundations, and faith-based organizations that would like to contribute to the success of the Institute.
  • The APCU Sustainability Initiative: The APCU has launched an association-wide effort to foster collaboration and innovation in addressing environmental sustainability opportunities and challenges across our member campuses. In addition to sharing information and “know-how” that can help APCU campuses implement sustainability projects more efficiently, the Initiative will also help to identify and define effective practices that can be replicated across multiple institutions. A key component of the Initiative is the identification of third-party funding sources that support sustainability efforts across our network of member schools.